Angels Anointing by Llewelyn Lambert, Lindelwe Nene, Khulekani Magubane
Angels Anointing by Llewelyn Lambert, Lindelwe Nene, Khulekani Magubane PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Three teenagers wrote this book. There is the story of the excellent student who relaxed after eating a drugged biscuit. This led to an addiction which led the good student to being expelled from school, getting heavily intro drugs and landing up in a rehabilitation center where things were equally bad. The story does have a positive ending as the young man finds the strength to get out of drugs and to go "straight." The second story is about a girl who innocently gets into Satanism. She almost becomes a human sacrifice but escapes in time and is able to live a normal life. The third story is about a girl who was crippled in an accident. All the stories have a positive ending.From reader reviews:
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