Senin, 05 Mei 2014

PDF⋙ How to Run the Way Boxset: Introducing Orthodox Christianity - A Multimedia Resource by Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies

How to Run the Way Boxset: Introducing Orthodox Christianity - A Multimedia Resource by Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies

How to Run the Way Boxset: Introducing Orthodox Christianity - A Multimedia Resource

How to Run the Way Boxset: Introducing Orthodox Christianity - A Multimedia Resource by Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Boxed set of 1 CD and 4 DVDsTHE WAY is the catechism and adult education program of the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies base in the United Kingdom, in Cambridge. It is a course comprising 12 sessions, run usually over 12 weeks, and consists of: a meal together, a talk on a central aspect of Christian belief, free discussion in small groups, and a 'question and answer' session, where members of each group put questions to a panel.The course aims to present the basics of Orthodox Christian faith in an atmosphere of friendship, free exchange and trust, where no question or opinion is treated as unworthy of attention.The multimedia package contains a CD entitled 'How to Run THE WAY' and four DVDs of the original speakers: Metropolitan Kallistos Ware, Professor David Frost, Fr. Michael Harper, Miss Gladys Bland, Dr. Christine Mangala Frost, Fr. Raphael Armour, Fr. Demetrios Bathrellos, and Mr. John Bazlinton.NOTE: This CD and DVD set will run on any computer. Some North American DVD players can be adjusted to play the PAL formatted DVDs.The course aims to present the basics of Orthodox Christian faith in an atmosphere of friendship, free exchange and trust, where no question or opinion is treated as foolish or unworthy of attention.Who is the course for?The course is taught in English and was initially designed for people between 18 and 45 who had completed secondary school. In practice, it has been enjoyed by those of all ages, races and backgrounds including people with considerable Christian knowledge or very little, by Orthodox wanting to better understand their faith, by other Christians seeking to know more, and by those of goodwill who have a curiosity as to what Christians believe.

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