Minggu, 22 Juni 2014

PDF⋙ Nantucket by Cary Hazlegrove

Nantucket by Cary Hazlegrove


Nantucket by Cary Hazlegrove PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Nantucket Island, off coastal New England, has always been a cherished vacation destination. On a given summer day the population swells to more than forty thousand people. The summer months bring a steady stream of visitors who flock to the extraordinary beauty and history of Nantucket’s shores, its clear skies, and its southwest breezes. Just as important is the year-round community of people who choose to stay through the winter months. The off-season brings Nantucket to its essence—the peaceful and vibrant autumn, windy winters long and gray, followed by the short season of spring. Nantucket residents learn to love its quirky seasons, filled as they are with frustrating travel experiences, weather stories, and isolation. Filled with over 130 poignant color photographs illuminating the island’s distinct seasons, Nantucket displays the best from a body of work covering the past decade. Images paired with thoughtful words by island residents and a foreword by best-selling author and summer resident David Michaelis make this book an enduring portrayal of Nantucket.

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