Moses and the Journey to Leadership: Timeless Lessons of Effective Management from the Bible and Today's Leaders by Dr. Norman J. Cohen
Moses and the Journey to Leadership: Timeless Lessons of Effective Management from the Bible and Today's Leaders by Dr. Norman J. Cohen PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Share in the wisdom of the model of leadership―tap into your own potential for greatness
Leaders are not simply born; they are molded through life's victories and failures, triumphs and defeats. No one exemplifies this process better than Moses, the most important and celebrated character in the Hebrew Bible. Faced with great internal and external challenges, he was sculpted into a great leader not only by circumstance, but also by his own determination and devotion to his people.
In this powerful and probing examination of the enduring texts in the biblical tradition, scholar and popular teacher Dr. Norman Cohen examines Moses’s journey to leadership and what he can teach you about the vision, action and skills you need to be a successful leader. Cohen relives Moses’s development from lonely shepherd to founder of a nation, emphasizing the salient points you can use to enrich the different leadership roles you are called on to play in your daily life, whether it be in business, religion, politics, education or other arenas.
Drawing from Moses’s life, you will learn to:
- Articulate your expectations of others, as a group and as individuals
- Empower those around you to lead more responsible, ethical lives
- Support your co-workers and family even when they fail
- Challenge others to reach their highest potential
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