Rabu, 24 September 2014

PDF⋙ Omm Sety's Abydos (Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities Publications) by Dorothy Louise Eady

Omm Sety's Abydos (Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities Publications) by Dorothy Louise Eady

Omm Sety's Abydos (Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities Publications)

Omm Sety's Abydos (Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities Publications) by Dorothy Louise Eady PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A personal history and guide to the ritual site of Abydos, on the West bank of the Nile, which flourished from the Predynastic period until Christian times (c. 4000 BC to AD 641). The author moved to Egypt in 1933 and was involved in excavations with a number of Egyptian archaeologists.

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