Phoenix Rising (Phoenix Rising #1) by Edward Kendrick
Phoenix Rising (Phoenix Rising #1) by Edward Kendrick PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Hex Phoenix, entrepreneur and businessman, arrives in New Orleans to conduct business assisted by his long-time lover, Urbain Fortier. Life would be easy except for one small problem: someone wants to kidnap Hex. Why? Not because of who he is, but because of what he is, the mythical Phoenix. After escaping his enemies, resurrecting as Conleth Feu d'Oiseaux, and reuniting with Urbain, he is now being hunted by the RIRA. The beautiful Giuliana is also searching for Conleth for reasons of her own. With danger and jealousy surrounding him, Conleth finds once again that being the Phoenix is not an easy life.From reader reviews:
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