Selasa, 14 April 2015

PDF⋙ 500 Plastic Jewelry Designs: A Groundbreaking Survey of A Modern Material (500 Series) by Lark Books

500 Plastic Jewelry Designs: A Groundbreaking Survey of A Modern Material (500 Series) by Lark Books

500 Plastic Jewelry Designs: A Groundbreaking Survey of A Modern Material (500 Series)

500 Plastic Jewelry Designs: A Groundbreaking Survey of A Modern Material (500 Series) by Lark Books PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The popular 500 series takes its hippest, most fun approach yet, with an intoxicatingly vibrant and technically diverse collection of contemporary jewelry. Juror Susan Kasson Sloan has put together a groundbreaking survey of the best work being done with this thoroughly modern material.

Every page offers some delightful eye candy, with pieces that stretch from the subtle and sublime to the fantastically humorous. There’s jewelry that tells a story, and jewelry that cleverly incorporates recycled materials—including sunglass lenses and knitting needles. In true 21st century style, much of the work is being designed and produced with cutting-edge CAD CAM technologies.

The extremely talented artists include Jantje Fleischhut; Lisa and Scott Cylinder; Adam Paxon; Felieke van der Leest; Ted Noten; Svenja John; Pavel Herynek; Karin Seufert; and Margaux Lange.


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