Jumat, 10 Juli 2015

PDF⋙ Game Plan: Winning Strategies for the Second Half of Your Life by Bob P. Buford

Game Plan: Winning Strategies for the Second Half of Your Life by Bob P. Buford

Game Plan: Winning Strategies for the Second Half of Your Life

Game Plan: Winning Strategies for the Second Half of Your Life by Bob P. Buford PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Thousands of readers have found an exciting new vision for the second half of life in the best-selling book, Halftime. Bob Buford showed us that we aren’t experiencing a midlife crisis that’s winding us down to our retirement years, but a break in the game that can prepare us for the most exciting half of life. In Game Plan, Buford gives you a practical way to move from success to significance and create an individual strategy that can get you where you want to be five . . . ten . . . twenty . . . thirty . . . or more years from now. If you sense it’s time for a positive change in your life, Game Plan gives you the tools to uncover your best self, aim for your highest dreams, and make your career and personal life more meaningful and fulfilling than ever.

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