Fashion Flair for Portrait and Wedding Photography by Lindsay Renee Adler
Fashion Flair for Portrait and Wedding Photography by Lindsay Renee Adler PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Fashion Flair for Portrait and Wedding Photography teaches photographers how to take the concepts of fashion photography (including preparation, styling, props, lighting, posing and post-processing) and apply these techniques to their portrait and wedding photography. By adding fashion flair to their work, photographers can distinguish themselves from their competition and demand a higher price for their images and creativity. Fashion photographers use preparation, styling, props, lighting, posing and post-processing techniques to achieve the desired visual effects in their high-end shoots. Yet these very same techniques can be applied to the images of portrait and wedding photography to create outstanding work that will differentiate a photographer from the competition. Clients want to feel like they are models, and live in a fantasy and this book will help them feel edgy, striking and high-end through a unique approach to their portraits. This book is not about becoming a fashion photographer - it is about using fashion photography techniques for successful portrait and wedding photography.Bonus Photographs
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