Rabu, 31 Desember 2014

PDF⋙ Foundations of Faith: Student Workbook 2: From Seeker to Believer by Wheaton Press

Foundations of Faith: Student Workbook 2: From Seeker to Believer by Wheaton Press

Foundations of Faith: Student Workbook 2: From Seeker to Believer

Foundations of Faith: Student Workbook 2: From Seeker to Believer by Wheaton Press PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This student workbook corresponds with the Foundations of Faith 100 level class: From seeker to believer. The focus of the class is to invite students to build a solid foundation of belief in the person of Christ. Students will examine the foundational elements of faith systems and understand the foundational distinctions of a Christ-centered worldview. Students will be challenged to apply the definitions of faith and truth in their examination of the Bible as God’s inerrant revelation. The second student workbook provides students the opportunity to examine the storyline and personal application of God’s revelation through a Christ-centered lens.

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Foundations of Faith: Student Workbook 2: From Seeker to Believer by Wheaton Press EPub

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