GIS in Hospital and Healthcare Emergency Management by Ric Skinner GISP
GIS in Hospital and Healthcare Emergency Management by Ric Skinner GISP PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Although many books have been published on the application of GIS in emergency management and disaster response, this is the first one to bring together a comprehensive discussion of the critical role GIS plays in hospital and healthcare emergency management and disaster response.
Illustrating a wide range of practical applications, GIS in Hospital and Healthcare Emergency Management explores how GIS data is being used to assess need, determine surge capacity, and improve logistics in emergency or disaster scenarios. Leading experts in the field provide authoritative coverage of all areas of emergency management involving GIS and related technologies.
Making this complex subject accessible for professionals who want to improve their preparedness and response capabilities, this complete resource provides numerous examples, case studies, and proven simulation and modeling tools to aid in the development of effective and efficient emergency response plans. It also includes a CD-ROM with a user interface that supplies access to helpful forms, exercises, color versions of the figures in the book, hundreds of valuable resources, as well as a composite bibliography of all references included in the text.
In today’s technology driven environment, failure to plan is planning to fail. This accessible resource provides emergency planners, operations managers, and hospital and healthcare administrators with the understanding and the tools needed to create emergency management and disaster preparedness systems that will help hospitals save lives, time, and money when the next emergency strikes.
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