Rabu, 28 Januari 2015

PDF⋙ Compensation. The Victim's Perspective by J.D.W.E. Mulder

Compensation. The Victim's Perspective by J.D.W.E. Mulder

Compensation. The Victim's Perspective

Compensation. The Victim's Perspective by J.D.W.E. Mulder PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

"Money is the answer to everything," according to Ecclesiastes (10:19) in the Old Testament. Seeing how many victims of crime try to claim financial compensation from their offenders, and how the American government awarded millions of dollars to the victims of the 9/11 attacks, one might expect financial reparation to be a definitive answer in case of crime. But is it really? This book examines the topic of victim compensation. Some chapters are primarily theoretical, others mainly empirical, yet, above all, they are the representation of the author's curiosity about, and fascination with, the topic of victim compensation. By offering the victim's perspective, the book contributes to a better understanding of how financial reparation affects those who suffer due to the intentional acts of others.

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