Senin, 12 Januari 2015

PDF⋙ Rescuing Children: Teachers, Social Workers, Nuns and Missionaries Who Stepped in the Shadows to Rescue Waifs by Cleo Lampos

Rescuing Children: Teachers, Social Workers, Nuns and Missionaries Who Stepped in the Shadows to Rescue Waifs by Cleo Lampos

Rescuing Children: Teachers, Social Workers, Nuns and Missionaries Who Stepped in the Shadows to Rescue Waifs

Rescuing Children: Teachers, Social Workers, Nuns and Missionaries Who Stepped in the Shadows to Rescue Waifs by Cleo Lampos PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Rescuing Children is a powerful collection of biographical sketches centering on teachers, social workers, nuns, and missionaries in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries who stepped into the shadows to liberate children from disease, destitution, and despair.

Irena Sendler smuggled Jewish children out of the Warsaw Ghetto right under the Nazis’ noses.

Dr. Thomas Barnardo started orphanages for the children of London's East End.

Bertha Bracey organized the Kindertransport during WWII, which saved ten thousand children from Nazi extermination.

Charles Loring Brace and Sister Irene reached out to the homeless children of Five Points, New York City, with their orphan trains.

Gladys Aylward led over one hundred orphans across China to escape the Japanese.

Amy Carmichael led the war against selling children to the temples in India.

Jane Addams built the Hull House so the immigrant urchins of Chicago could grow up in safety.

In the vein of Tattoos on the Heart by Gregory Boyle and A Chance to Die by Elisabeth Elliot, this extraordinary book will inspire you to reach out with compassion to the children around the world who live in misery, poverty, and deprivation.

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Rescuing Children: Teachers, Social Workers, Nuns and Missionaries Who Stepped in the Shadows to Rescue Waifs by Cleo Lampos EPub

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